WDB Standing Committees

Meets at least annually and on an as needed basis to address special issues and budgetary matters. Business development and outreach activities will be initially overseen by the Executive Committee. A more formal, expanded “Economic Development Committee” is planned. It will be comprised of the Jersey City and Hudson County Economic Development members, alongside the Finance Committee.

Roger Jones
Jones & Associates Communications
Rosemary McFadden
Jersey City Economic Development Corp.

Evaluates operating costs, oversees procurement activities as well as leads in financial planning for the workforce development board. The Finance Committee is under development and there are no minutes recorded yet.

The One Stop Career Center Committee provides oversight and guidance in the development of programs; establish and track metrics to ensure that one stops meet or exceeds standards for placement retention, earnings and jobseeker/employer satisfaction.

The Disability committee works to enable individuals with disabilities to have universal access to employment opportunities.


The Literacy Committee identifies and analyzes local resources, programs and services and recommends ways to improve the quantity, quality and delivery of literacy programs.

The Youth Investment Council strengthens the capacity of education, youth development and training programs to provide high quality services that are aligned with workforce skills required for employment and success.